Hemp 4 Life
Hemp 4 Life is a 2022 Start-Up, still busy setting up. The company has secured a Hemp Cultivating Permit and a Client in the USA who has signed an Off-Take Agreement for 800Kg of CBD Isolate per month.

A 285 Hectare Farm
Hemp 4 Life will be operating on a 285 Hectare farm in the Free Sate Province on the Vaal River near the town of Deneysville where it will cultivate Hemp and have its Agro Processing facility.
Main Product
Hemp 4 Life’s main product will be CBD Isolate, where the dried Hemp will be milled into powder and through a winterization process converted into CBD Isolate.
Hemp 4 Life will also be growing a variety of Vegetables on 135 Hectares to ensure the employment of the labour forces, as Hemp is a seasonal crop. In this way the staff will be employed all year.
After testing a variety of Genetically Engineers seeds, Hemp 4 Life will be selling the best Engineered seeds for the South African climate with germination and irrigation instructions.
Hemp Permit
Hemp 4 Life has secured its Hemp Cultivating Permit in June 2022 from the South African Department of Agriculture.
Hemp 4 Life has secured a client in the USA, who has signed an Off-Take Agreement for us to supply 800Kg of CBD Isolate per month.
SA Laws
The SA laws still does not allow Hemp Permit holders to sell their Hemp products locally. All Hemp farmers are securing clients outside our borders.
Meet the CEO and Founder
Ben Sassman
- Originally from Cape Town
- 100% Shareholder and CEO
- Email: ben@hemp4life.co.za

Imported Hemp Strain
- Genetically Engineered.
- THC Level 0.2%.
- CBD Content 12%.
“From seed to harvest, perseverance cultivates prosperity.”
Ben Sassman
CEO, Hemp 4 Life
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